SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT We know that the majority of homeowners choose to go solar because it makes good sense from a financial point of view. That being said, the environmental benefits are also clearly worth mentioning. You can go a long way in lowering your carbon footprint by replacing utility power with clean electricity from […]
INCREASE YOUR HOME VALUE Buying a home with solar panels translates into LOWER electricity costs. Solar panels will INCREASE a homes attractiveness on the market. A study conducted by National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) concluded that homes with solar panels sell 20% FASTER and for 17% more MONEY. Shouldn’t YOU consider going solar?
SOLAR ELECTRICITY INSTALLATION 5kva Solar Electricity system being installed for Mr Rosenthal. With this system he will be able to power his essential appliances using the sun which is absorbed by the 12 x 250w Photovoltaic modules. The system also includes battery backup for load shedding.
Durban Solar Pool Heating Sales
Solar Pool Heating installation in Durban. Solar heats water using suns rays. It’s free heat. for free quote or call 076 969 3807 #solar #poolheating #heatpump #getin
Solar Pool Heating systems installed
It’s a simple effective way to extend your swimming season – Solar Pool Heating panels installed in a few hours using the existing pool pumps to circulate the water through the panels. To learn more visit National Sales hotline 0769693807 #heatpump #solar #poolheating #panels #solarenergy