One of our customers had a 200L geyser & flat plate solar collector installed over the weekend. Wouldn’t you like to save 60% on your hot water bills AND add value to your home?
Royal Eagles Construction & Plant Hire in Winston Park, Hillcrest, had 1 x 150L Geyser, 1 x 200L Geyser & 2 x Flat Plate collectors installed yesterday. These flat plate collectors will see a 60% reduction in their hot water bills !! Doesn’t that sound great ? It’s time you went solar too. Save money […]
Mr. Kennith Garvie from Bryanston had a 2.2 Flat Plate Solar Collector installed at his lovely home. He can now rest assured he’ll be saving up to 60% on his water heating electricity bill as well as knowing he’s playing his part in going greener. Isn’t it time you went solar too?
No more load shedding
NO MORE LOAD SHEDDING Mr. Combrinck has just had a 2kw Devel Installed. He, along with many of our clients, never have to worry about being affected by load-shedding AGAIN. Shouldn’t you?