Mr. William Lang from Richards Bay, KZN, had a flat plate installed. Now he can rest assured knowing the sun will heat his water as well as knowing that his water bill will be reduced significantly by 60% ! Isn’t it time you switched to solar?
FLAT PLATE INSTALLATION COMPLETE Meinhard du Rand and Mr. Roelf Van Rooyen who reside in Die Oog Retirement Estate in Limpopo had 2 flat plates solar collectors installed recently. Now they can reduce their heating electricity bill by 60% ! You can’t go wrong using solar.
SOLAR ELECTRICITY INSTALLATION 5kva Solar Electricity system being installed for Mr Rosenthal. With this system he will be able to power his essential appliances using the sun which is absorbed by the 12 x 250w Photovoltaic modules. The system also includes battery backup for load shedding.